
張貼日期:2016/7/7 上午 09:35:44

To Dept. contact persons: We collect the photos to be linked on the 40/45 reunion web.


save the photos in a folder 㐅學院㐅㐅系 ( 文學院外文系)

Please name the photos following as below :

(then save the photos in a folder of your Dropbox account, then send me a link to have access to this. )

The naming of photos is like **系**-year-event-place.jpg

** is counting from 01,02,.. to N( Maximum of N is 40)

You may following the naming of photos of Dept of Chemical Engineering

**. 照片說明:一圖一檔,以檔案名稱作為說明。命名原則如下:系名**-拍攝日期(西元年)-照片描述--地點.格式(** is counting from 01,02,.. to N( Maximum of N is 40)


如: 土木系**-2010-全系系友大會--台北.jpg

Please apply for a Dropbox account(if you habe not yet a Dropbox account ), save photos in a folder, and

send Jyh-Hao Lee(1976Math) leejh@math.sinica.edu.tw a link to access of this folder---

example is

物理系61級40重聚用照片folder is from the link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qqzhgoc8xk2xqh2/AAC9N4jjnPxxCywE7B-xWmaZa?dl=0